Thursday, July 3, 2008

Critical Analysis of Some Bahais Slogans

Dr. Mohammad Ali Khonji is a well-known researcher, writer, translator, journalist, theorist and political activist of the contemporary Iran. He has criticized Bahais opinions in various fields. In his point of view the Bahai opinions concerning nation and state are "very underdeveloped" and old which do not believe in any right for nation but considers only "the kings" as the origin of power and eligible for ruling. Khonji explains that the principle of non-interference in politics which is suggested by Bahais has a special meaning, since they allow interference in certain politics. Their non-interference in the Constitutionalist Revolution favored the dictatorship of the Ghajarid Court.

Picture : Nasir-idin shah ( former Ghajarid king of Iran )
As for the issue of general peace too, they do not attach any value to the nations which are the only true supporters of peace.

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